Common Water Challenges


It’s a sure-sign there is hard water or some sort of bacterial contaminant.

If your water has an unpleasant metallic taste. That’s probably too much iron.

If your water smells like rotten eggs, that could be naturally occurring hydrogen sulfide gas or certain bacteria reacting with magnesium to form sulfates.

Water that tastes like dirt could be sediment (actual dirt), old pipes or algae. Algal blooms can also give tap water a moldy aftertaste.

No one likes to drink water with a funky smell or flavor. But that’s just the beginning of your problems.


Ugly brown or reddish stains on the porcelain are a big embarrassment.

You can blame hard water for that too – specifically iron.

It’s no coincidence those stains look a lot like rust spots. The iron in your water could be coming from rusty pipes.

You’ll have to use a lot of elbow grease to get rid of those stains.

Some people suggest using vinegar to help clean and remove them. Unfortunately, the stains will keep reappearing until you fix your hard water problem.


When you have hard water, you’ll notice nasty soap scum seems to accumulate all over the place. That’s because soap and the minerals in hard water just don’t play nicely together.

If your dishes are always spotty, it may not be your dishwasher, it’s probably your water. What’s worse – soap scum left on shower curtains can lead to the development of a microbial biofilm that might contain disease-spreading bacteria.

With hard water, you may find yourself cleaning the bathroom and kitchen more often and using more cleaning product to get the job done. Who wants to do that?


When you have hard water, shower time can be ruined.

Minerals cause hard water to react ineffectively with soap.

This makes it harder to get a good lather when you bathe. It also makes it more difficult to wash all the soap off your body, leaving a film of soapy residue on your skin.

Deposits from hard water can clog up your shower head too., which means weaker water pressure.

With hard water, you may not be getting as clean and you may notice your hair is hard to manage.


Showerheads aren’t the only things that can get clogged up thanks to hard water.

It can cause major plumbing issues as well.

Scale deposits build up inside your pipes, like plaque inside an artery, constricting the flow of water, eventually leading to backups and the need to call a plumber for help.

If you have PVC or copper pipes, this probably is not an issue. It’s most-common with older, steel pipes.


It’s all due to the minerals like calcium and magnesium.

Soap is used to wash away dirt and grime, but when soap doesn’t get rinsed off, it can actually increase soil build up on your clothes.

Clothes washed in hard water often appear dingy and wear out faster. It can even make your towels scratchy and rough.

You’ll have to buy detergent formulated to soften the water plus you’ll use more detergent.

Premature yellowing of your whites could be caused by iron content in the water.


Because washing in hard water will leave soap behind, it causes people’s skin to get dried out and itchy.

Mineral deposits left on the body can also suck moisture right out of your skin.

The skin condition eczema is fairly common, especially among younger children.

There is research indicating that bathing in hard water could cause eczema symptoms to worsen.

Another study concluded exposure to hard water could increase the risk of developing eczema in elementary-school-age children.


This might be the most expensive hard water problem of all because  scale deposits wreak havoc on  ALL water based appliances in your home.

A build up of sediment in your water heater can make it far less efficient. The same goes for other appliances. Poor efficiency means bigger utility bills.

The icemaker in your fridge can stop working as scale deposits clog up valves. The American Water Works Association says hard water can cause a washing machine to wear out 30% faster than normal.

Hard water expenses could cost you $800 or more every year.


If you are experiencing these or any other problems just click on the link above to schedule a FREE Water Quality Analysis at YOUR kitchen sink.  There is no cost and no obligation.

You will learn exactly what’s in your water and we will show you affordable options to improve your water’s condition.

Just click on the water drop image above or call us at 843.826.1127.

We look forward to meeting with you for a fun, informative demonstration on the benefits of good, clean water!